Lycee Bendjerir

ماذا عن ثانوية بن جرير بالمغرب؟ بقلم : أبو بكر خالد سعد الله قسم الرياضيات/ المدرسة...

Hamza Khelif

!حمزة خلِّيف… ذلك العصامي  بقلم خالد سعد الله دأب الناس على التعريف بالسلف الصالح،...

Jardin des courbes

What will be science without beauty? I always believed that science and beauty are intimately related and strongly connected. One of the most visible faces of...

Covid-19 and mathematics

Mathematical modelization of the Coronavirus pandemic   For our members, it is very useful, in addition to ordinary mathematical training ;-), to...

About “big” numbers

  What is a "big" number ? It may appears a really simple question. But answering it is very difficult because the notion of "big" depends on who...